Pavement should be smooth, stable, and safe. At Blackjack Paving of Atlanta, we complete jobs professionally and properly, so your pavement is in the best condition. Oftentimes, milling is needed during the laying of new pavement, which is one of many services we offer. Quality milling makes for quality pavement, so be sure to work with the professionals every time.


Why Is
Milling Done?

Why Is
Milling Done?

Improve Driver Safety

Laying down new pavement can be a great idea, but it is extremely dangerous if done improperly. Before new pavement can be laid, unsafe sections of the existing surface must be removed. Then, once the Blackjack Paving team mills the damaged areas, new pavement can be safely applied.

Make the Road Comfortable

A properly milled and paved road offers a much more comfortable ride. Driving on a road that is full of cracks, potholes, and other blemishes is unpleasant, so milling is used to remove these imperfections. This process leaves a clean and level surface for new pavement, which allows you to enjoy yourself on the road.

Control Damage

Damaged asphalt will only get worse if left untreated. This is particularly dangerous for motorists. When Blackjack Paving mills asphalt before repaving, it sets the stage for a more stable and efficient smooth surface.

Recycle Materials

Milling is environmentally friendly because it re-purposes materials. The material that is milled from the pavement can be crushed and used as aggregate, which will then make its way back into circulation. Because of this process, less energy will be required to produce new materials.


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Asphalt Repair Contractors Atlanta GA


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What Is Asphalt Millings?

Asphalt millings are the result of removing and crushing existing asphalt pavement. The process involves grinding the asphalt into tiny pieces that can be reused in new pavement projects.

Will Asphalt Millings Wash Away?

No, asphalt millings will not wash away under normal conditions. Once they are compacted, the millings create a surface similar to asphalt. They are durable and resistant to weather conditions, including rain. However, in areas prone to heavy rain or flooding, proper drainage should be ensured to prevent any potential washing away.

Can You Pave Over Asphalt Millings?

Yes, you can pave over asphalt millings. In fact, paving over these millings is a common practice in road construction and renovation projects. The milled surface provides a strong and stable base for the new layer of asphalt.

How Much Does Asphalt Milling Cost?

The cost of asphalt milling varies depending on several factors, including the size of the project, the depth of milling required, and the specific contractor's rates.

Are Asphalt Millings Good for A Driveway?

Yes, asphalt millings provide a durable and cost-effective alternative to traditional asphalt or concrete driveways. Once compacted, asphalt millings form a surface that stands up well to daily use and various weather conditions.

Can You Put Asphalt Millings Over Gravel?

Yes, you can put asphalt millings over gravel. The millings can be used to upgrade a gravel driveway or road into a smooth, paved surface. The existing gravel base provides good drainage and a solid foundation for the asphalt millings.