Wheel Stops In Atlanta, GA

Wheel stops, also known as parking bumpers or parking blocks, are an effective tool to use in your parking lot. Installing these in your lot protects parked vehicles, buildings, landscaping, as well as other areas and structures that you wish to keep safe, for a minimal investment. Wheel stops keep vehicles from parking past or beyond a designated space and can effectively prevent fender benders and other property damage. When you are ready to invest in the well-being of your property, reach out to Blackjack Paving for a quality job.


Purpose of
Wheel Stops

Purpose of
Wheel Stops

Prevents Low-Impact Collisions

Parking lot accidents are more common than you may think. A driver can easily pull a little too far over the line to hit a parked car or a car with another driver. This can lead to property damage and injury, putting your parking lot in the crosshairs. Wheel stops keep cars in defined parking spots and prevent accidents before they occur.

Controls Traffic

Do you have customers and visitors driving across your parking lot against traffic, pulling through spots, and putting pedestrians and property at risk? By providing a definitive end to parking spaces and preventing pulling through parking spots, you can control traffic and reduce the likelihood of accidents. With parking stops in place, you reduce the risk of property damage and pedestrian injury.

Helps Your Parking Lot Look Orderly and Well-Maintained

Parking is an important part of driving, but many drivers are not great at parking between the lines or staying in their spots. You can use parking bumpers to keep your lot neat, clean, and organized.

Wheel Stops

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  • marta
  • Marriott
  • Kroger
  • Target
  • Simon Malls
  • Publix
  • Chick-Fil-A
  • Costco-Wholesale
  • TheHomeDepot
  • Wallgreens
BlackJack Paving


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What Is a Wheel Stop?

A wheel stop, also known as a parking bumper or block, is a tool that is used in parking lots to protect vehicles and structures from collisions. They limit parking space and prevent property damage.

Can Wheel Stops Prevent Accidents in Parking Lots?

Yes, wheel stops effectively prevent accidents by keeping cars within parking spots and reducing the risk of collisions with other vehicles or pedestrians.

How Do Wheel Stops Contribute to Traffic Control in Parking Areas?

Wheel stops control traffic by defining parking spaces, and preventing drivers from pulling through or driving against traffic. This ensures pedestrian and property safety.

Can Wheel Stops Help in Organizing Parking Spaces More Efficiently?

Absolutely. Wheel stops define parking spaces, encouraging drivers to park properly and efficiently.

Are Parking Bumpers Suitable for All Types of Parking Lots?

Parking bumpers or wheel stops are versatile and can be installed in various parking lots, enhancing safety and organization.

Can Wheel Stops Be Customized to Fit Specific Parking Lot Designs?

Yes, wheel stops come in different sizes and materials, allowing customization to meet specific parking lot requirements.

Can Wheel Stops Be Easily Removed or Repositioned If Needed?

While wheel stops are typically semi-permanent, they can be removed or repositioned with professional assistance.

Are There Any Legal Requirements for Installing Wheel Stops In A Parking Lot?

The legal requirements for installing wheel stops vary. You should check with local authorities or professionals for specific guidelines in your area.