The Power of
Perma Flex®️

Do you have a parking lot that would need a miracle to not have to be repaved? Perma Flex®️ is an innovative solution for parking lots in need of serious redemption. This revolutionary asphalt mix was designed for overlaying cracked surfaces and is the only one of its kind. Blackjack Paving is certified in Perma Flex®️ asphalt installation. We are excited and ready to show you the potential of Perma Flex®️!

What is Perma Flex®️ Asphalt?

Perma Flex®️ asphalt is a mix of aggregate and liquid asphalt bonding agents created to utilize your existing asphalt as a base for the new surface. The cracks in your pavement are filled in, a layer of aggregate is implemented, bonding agents are adhered, and then a new 1-2 inch smooth asphalt surface is applied on top. The layering technique prevents the cracks from eventually forming in the same places again.

What You Should Know About Perma Flex®️

  • Perma Flex®️ Requires Certification for Installation — Perma Flex® is a federally trademarked brand and the concept has not been replicated by another. Since the process and materials are truly unique, you must be certified to complete the installation. We are certified and experienced with Perma Flex®️, so you can feel confident during your installation.
  • Perma Flex®️ Needs Proper Surface Preparation — Although Perma Flex®️ is designed to fix cracks, there are some parking lot imperfections which will need to be resolved in advance. To ensure that we can complete your installation on the planned day, we will come out to evaluate your parking lot to determine suitability for Perma Flex®️ installation. If we need to stabilize your deteriorating asphalt, we may have to replace or fill in certain sections before we can come back for the overlay. When we come for our evaluation, we will develop a clear plan and timeline for completing your job.
  • Perma Flex®️ Prevents Reflective Cracking — Perma Flex®️ was developed specifically for targeting reflective cracking. In the past, parking lots would be resurfaced and plagued with the exact same crack patterns over time. Perma Flex®️ truly fills the cracks so you will not see that pattern again. The cracks are not just covered up and hidden; they are truly resolved.
  • Perma Flex®️ Provides an Overlay with Final Asphalt Top Layer for Smooth Surface — This is an inward and outward transformation for your parking lot. The cracks and imperfections of your previous lot have  been completely resolved below the surface. On top, your smooth parking lot will look like new again.


If you are ready for your parking lot transformation, give us a call today! The Blackjack team will work meticulously to deliver superior results for your lot.


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