Why it’s Important to Evaluate and Maintain Your Parking Lot

Your parking lot could easily be your customers’ first impression. If your parking lot is in disrepair, your customers can form the wrong impression about your business or property. Also, an unkept parking lot can be dangerous for your customers and employees, traveling on foot or in their vehicles. The safety of your visitors is important for so many reasons, including protecting your company from liability. The Blackjack Paving team wants to help you keep your parking lot safe and impressive. By following these steps, you can evaluate the state of your parking lot thoroughly.

      Inspect for Damage—Look for cracks, holes, distress, and broken pavement throughout your lot. Cracks are the most common sign that your parking lot needs repair. Whether you have a concrete or asphalt surface, cracks will happen eventually. Depending on the severity of the crack, you may be able to just fill and repair that crack. You may have to have a complete replacement if your lot has already been too compromised by the crack. A crack allows water and chemicals to enter your lot and break it down prematurely. Potholes happen when a weak spot is made through the contracting and expanding process. In some cases, you can just fill the pothole itself and some situations require total replacement.

      Check for Drainage Issues—If there is pooling water in your parking lot or running down the middle of the lot, you may have drainage issues. Poor drainage in your lot can shorten the lifespan of your parking lot. If you see the signs of draining issues, we can help you resolve the issue through sloping, curbing, and drainage inlets. Act quickly if you see drainage problems to avoid premature repaving.

      Watch Out for Color—The sun is hard on your pavement. The beautiful black finish of your lot will start to fade from the UV exposure. In many cases, the fading is only cosmetic, but the oxidation process from the harsh sun rays can weaken your lot. A faded lot could require a repair or replacement. We can send our pavement experts to evaluate your lot and offer solutions.

Why it Matters Wrap Up

The condition of your lot will communicate to your customers. If your lot is not well maintained, the customers may think your company is unprofessional or careless. Make sure your lot welcomes customers and establishes confidence. Beyond that, safety is crucial. Your customers and employees could be injured while driving or walking in your parking lot if you have a damaged lot. The cost of a patron suing your company for negligence will be far more expensive than your parking maintenance. Being proactive with your parking lot maintenance will keep people safe, protect your company from liability, and convey professionalism to your visitors.

If you need any parking maintenance, call us today to schedule an evaluation for your parking lot. We will get your parking lot ready to impress.

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