Will Curbside Pickup Stay Post-Pandemic?

COVID-19 has forced businesses and individuals to dramatically shift their way of life. Although many retailers, such as Walmart, Kroger, and Target, have had curbside service available well before the pandemic started, many other businesses have joined in on this concept as well. Even small businesses have had to consider these opportunities to stay afloat in the pandemic world. There are many aspects of this coronavirus life that are hard to predict whether they will remain once the virus has subsided. Curbside pickup sticking around seems very likely. If your business is not prepared with a designated space for curbside service yet, reach out to Blackjack Paving. We can help you be prepared to serve your customers in this pandemic world and beyond.

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What Property Owners Should Know About Asphalt Maintenance

Asphalt Paving in Atlanta is known to last for years—as long as it’s properly maintained along the way. Blackjack Paving is here to help!  The worst thing you can do for your asphalt is leave it alone and expect it to hold up against traffic, weather, and runoff water. Asphalt maintenance keeps your pavement looking its best, and sealcoating makes the process even easier. Be sure to care for your asphalt as often as it needs, and continue reading to learn about everything property owners should know about asphalt maintenance.

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Extend the Life of Your Pavement with Sealcoating

The quality of your asphalt paving in Atlanta will affect both the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your parking lot. By calling Blackjack Paving to sealcoat your lot, you'll protect the functionality, retain curb appeal, and continue to offer a smooth, unbroken surface for your customers. Broken-down asphalt makes for a rocky journey, and it won’t do your business’s cosmetic appeal any favors. You’ll have to pay for repairs—and in many cases this will happen on multiple occasions—to try to squeeze more life out of your investment when you could be saving money to use for other aspects of your business.

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Why Milling Before Paving is the Way to Go

Parking lot repair is much more than putting down a new layer over existing, often damaged, asphalt or concrete. Milling removes damaged and dangerous sections of the pavement so the whole surface can be entirely redone. This process can reduce the chances of accidents and injuries once your asphalt paving has been redone in a way that is responsible for the environment, and it makes the parking lot a bit more comfortable to drive over. If you need new asphalt paving to repair your parking lot, here are the answers to some FAQs about pavement milling.

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Qualities that Make a Great Parking Lot?

Blackjack Paving knows a thing or two about parking lots. A parking lot can have a significant impact on the look, safety, and convenience of your business or commercial development. If you’re a property owner and want your paved areas to look their best, then read on to learn about a few of the qualities that can make your parking area great.

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